

That YOU!! have the power to make positive changes to create the life you want, while easily letting go of limiting beliefs, patterns and old ideas that no longer serve a purpose. Realizing that you possess untapped internal resources within to expand your awareness to make healthy choices and attract wonderful opportunities into your life. You can create stronger more satisfying relationships with your self and others.... The source of change emerges from within!!
Whether you are trying to make sense a life transition, struggling with an emotional or relationship difficulty or simply a desire to strengthen your family... Together we will we work together to help you become your own agent of change.

Source For Change Counseling

Dana S Smallwood LCSW, PIP 

With a loving dedication to my own growth, I began studying principles to help others find a Source for Change in their own lives...


1401 Providence Park  Birmingham, Al 35242

P 205.585.8761

F 205.982.8465
